In September, partners from industry and research launched the innovation cluster 5G BERLIN e.V. The aim of the association is to promote innovations around 5G key technologies for urban application scenarios. The 5G BERLIN initiative promotes digitization in the capital and increases the international brilliance of the location. To this end, a test environment will be set up in order to use it for joint research projects, to test various 5G technologies and to develop new applications. Furthermore, an information network will be created as a basis for new partnerships and to support knowledge transfer. The 5G BERLIN innovation cluster thus represents a regional and supra-regional networking platform for start-ups, medium-sized companies, research institutes, universities, large companies and public authorities.
5G test field for urban applications
The 5G test field is being built on the northern campus of the TU Berlin and will serve to test 5G key technologies for urban applications under real conditions. The infrastructure comprises 5G macro cells in combination with smaller radio cells for local, broadband and fast-reacting communication links. For the realization of very high data rates, street lights, for example, are equipped with 5G technology (millimeter wave technology) and networked. The components of the 5G test field will be provided by the partners and further developed in the overall system. The 5G test field maps all relevant technology components of a 5G network and will promote the development of innovations in Berlin.
Strong partnerships
Among the founding members are: atesio, EANTC, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, GasLINE, highstreet technologies, HyperMesh, Infotecs, MicroNova. Already today, companies from the segments of passenger transport, chip manufacturers, network suppliers and operators as well as innovative start-ups and important associations have expressed their interest in participating in the innovation cluster 5G BERLIN.